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Erik And Lyle Menendez Family Meeting With L.A. D.A. Nathan Hochman ... To Ask For Reduced Sentence

Big day for Erik and Lyle Menendez ... relatives are set to meet with new Los Angeles District Attorney Nathan Hochman to discuss resentencing the brothers for the notorious murders of their parents decades ago.

Twenty family members of Jose and Kitty Menendez -- who were shot-gunned to death by their children in 1989 -- will sit down today with Hochman to ask the DA for a reduced sentence for Erik and Lyle.

Nathan Hochman

As you know, the brothers were convicted of the slayings in their second trial in 1996 and sentenced to life without parole. Their first trial ended in a mistrial.

During today's meeting, the family members will speak in support of "a resentencing process that reflects Erik and Lyle's abuse, trauma, and demonstrated rehabilitation over the last 35 years."

The family also notes Lyle and Erik have spent decades behind bars "taking responsibility for their actions and contributing positively to their community through immense personal growth."

Back in October, then-LA D.A. George Gascon held a press conference announcing he would ask a judge to resentence the brothers.

But Gascon lost his bid for reelection to Hochman, who has not yet said what his position will be on resentencing.

The family's lawyers slammed Hochman late last year ... for meeting with the lawyer of the one family members who opposes the brothers' release.

A hearing is set for later this month. Erik and Lyle's lawyer, Mark Geragos, will ask for not just his clients to be resentenced ... he'll ask the judge to change the conviction from murder to manslaughter, which would instantly free Erik and Lyle.