
Georgia Airport Chaos Delta Customer Flips Out .... Rampages Through Terminal

A woman went berserk in a Georgia airport Thursday, running through the terminal with the police chasing after her as she yelled a bunch of nonsense.

The unhinged Delta Airlines customer was captured yesterday afternoon on cell phone video, going on her rampage through Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Savannah, GA.

Check out the clip … it begins with the woman standing behind the Delta ticket counter screaming at police officers to stay away from her -- because she distrusts law enforcement and only has faith in firefighters.

The woman then dashes out from behind the counter onto the floor of the ticket area, where she is pursued by officers.

She knocks over stanchions and causes one officer to trip, and fall on his face. Luckily, the cop doesn't appear to suffer any injuries ... but it was embarrassing, nonetheless.

The woman runs in a circular motion back behind the check-in counter, where she's ultimately cornered by the officers and airport security.

The Savannah Airport PD declined to say whether the woman was arrested or detained, and refused to provide a narrative.

One thing’s for sure though … you wouldn’t want to sit next to this lady on your flight.

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