Mountain Hiker Captures His Own Near-Death Plunge!!!

A hiker in China made a miraculous escape after taking a seriously scary spill down a steep mountainside ... and he captured the whole heart-stopping ordeal on his own camera.

Yang Meng was filming his trek through the Fanzengjian Mountains in Anhui, about 280 miles west of Shanghai, when disaster struck -- and his hand-held 360-degree camera caught him losing his footing and plummeting backward down the freshly storm-lashed mountainside.

The near-death plunge down the slick mountain was nothing short of hair-raising -- Yang slips and slides at a wild angle for what feels like forever, until a tree suddenly breaks his fall, saving him from becoming a human avalanche.

Miraculously, Yang walked away from the wild ride with just a few bruises on his leg and some minor cuts on his hand and thigh -- talk about a lucky break!

He told CNN he feels lucky to be alive after that tumble -- but instead of scaring him off hiking, it just sparked his global wanderlust even more.

TMZ Studios

For all you fellow thrill-seekers out there, take Yang’s spill as a cautionary tale -- maybe skip the mountain hikes right after a storm!

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