
Australia's Raygun My Bad, Breaking Community!!!

Viral Olympic breaker Rachael Gunn -- AKA "Raygun" -- is issuing a mea culpa to the entire community for all the backlash it faced following her Paris 2024 performance ... saying despite the end results, she truly tried her best.

Raygun did a sit-down interview with "The Project" on Wednesday ... where she addressed all the hoopla surrounding her infamous routine last month -- including the not-so-nice reactions.

"It is really sad to hear those criticisms, and I am very sorry for the backlash that the community has experienced," Raygun said. "But I can't control how people react."

Of course, many were quick to criticize the outing ... with the overall message being Raygun singlehandedly set the sport back decades.

Raygun explained Australians are dealt a crappy hand when competing at the international level ... because the country simply isn't as up to speed with the rest of the field.

"Unfortunately, we just need some more resources in Australia for us to have a chance to be world champions," she added.

"Historically, unfortunately, we haven't had the best track record of winning world championships, so I don't think that's just on me."

As for all the conspiracies surrounding how she got to the Olympics in the first place, Raygun insists she earned her spot fair and square.

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