Fox News

Donald Trump I Don't Do Pronouns ... Gets Asked If He's 'Fluid'

Donald Trump says he doesn't play the pronoun game -- and as a result, he got asked if he considers himself fluid ... yeah, it's as surreal as it sounds.

Check it out ... the ex-Prez was asked by Fox News host Laura Ingraham about Vice President Kamala Harris' decision to share her pronouns on social media (she/her), and when LI asks what his pronouns are ... DT declared he doesn't want pronouns.

Ingraham seemed to pick up on the fact this is actually a somewhat liberal take -- as it suggests Trump might use they/them pronouns ... and she asked him about that.

Trump danced around answering the question directly -- in fact, it's unclear if he even understood what the hell Laura was talking about. Instead ... Trump says no one knows what the term even means -- namely, being gender-fluid.

He added ... "Ask [Kamala] exactly to describe what that means. Nobody knows!" Per Trump, people obsessed with pronouns are "going crazy" and need to be brought "back to sanity."

This is just the latest swipe Trump has taken against his political rival. Remember, in one part of his Fox News sit down ... Trump described Kamala as being "very radical" ... and even suggested she's more left than even Bernie Sanders.

Fox News

While Trump stated he was in no way threatened by the Vice President -- or her "crazy laugh," as he put it -- 45 spoke on whether he actually plans to debate her ... as he apparently feels there isn't really a point.

TMZ Studios

With less than 100 days to Election Day, it'll be interesting to see if Trump's anti-Kamala takes resonate with the public -- ditto for his gender thoughts.