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Phone Sex Line If Your Fantasy is Fantasy, We Got You ... Offers Cosplay Chats to Comic-Con Attendees

Comic-Con attendees looking for a little sexy time over the phone are in for a treat ... 'cause a phone sex line's offering to fulfill their fantasies -- even cosplay-related ones!

1-800-PHONESEX put out a new ad on their X account ... telling those heading to Comic-Con that ladies are happy to keep them company during the long weekend.

And, apparently just about any fantasy -- including "Dungeons & Dragons" fantasy, if that's your thing -- is on the table ... 'cause the company writes it's ready to fulfill all sorts of cosplay dreams.

They shared a clip of one of the ladies in the post too ... decked out in a Catwoman outfit and asking the attendees if they've "ever dreamed of a sexy superhero."

Of course, Comic-Con's known for its outstanding costumes ... and many attendees have shown up and shown out in their best outfits over the first three days of hit convention.

There are a ton of pics and videos of these costumes out on social media BTW ... with fellow fans weighing in on which costume's their favorite.

Comic-Con ends tomorrow ... but, sounds like fans can dive right back into their cosplay with just one phone call!

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