Violet Affleck Chooses Advocacy Over Acting ... Speaks Before Los Angeles County Board

Violet Affleck isn't just cruising on the success of her famous parents ... she's standing up for what she believes in -- in front of a major local governing body.

The daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner appeared before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, speaking up on an issue near to her heart ... keeping mask mandates in Los Angeles hospitals.

Check out the clip ... the recent high school grad introduces herself before diving into her firsthand experience with a long-term post-viral condition she contracted way back in 2019 -- adding she saw how medicine can't answer all the effects of a virus.

A post-viral condition is the lingering effects following a viral infection that can last for months. "Long Covid" -- symptoms lingering long after a person has fought off the actual Covid virus -- is one example ...  unclear what post-viral condition Violet had.

Violet argues post-viral infection stands to "exacerbate our homelessness crisis, as well as the suffering of many people in our city" ... while claiming it hits people in minority communities the hardest.

As for what she wants ... VA's demanding mask availability, air filtration and far UV-C lights -- germicidal ultraviolet lights -- in government facilities, and mask mandates in county medical facilities. She's also asking the county to oppose mask bans in any form.

Violet's still masking up BTW ... arriving to the meeting in a white N95 -- a similar face covering to the one she wore to Michael Rubin's famous Hamptons White Party in 2022.

Affleck turned 18 just months ago. The family's kept mum on her plans so far ... but, it seems politics might be on the table!
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