Donald Trump Let's Golf, Joe!!! ... Challenges POTUS To $1 Million Charity Match

Donald Trump and Joe Biden talked the talk about golf at their debate last month ... but No. 45 now wants the two to swing the swing, officially challenging POTUS to an 18-hole match.

Trump dared Biden to tee it up with him while riling up a packed house at his Doral golf course in Miami on Tuesday.


Trump told the audience he wanted to debate Biden again -- and then, as he did during their first verbal sparring session back on June 27, he brought up their golf games.

Trump made fun of Biden's swing -- before saying he'd give $1 million to a charity of the President's choice if he lost a matchup on the links. Trump added that he's so confident he'd win, he'd give his nemesis 20 total strokes.

"It will be among the most-watched sporting events in history," Trump said. "Maybe bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters."

The 78-year-old added, though, that he doesn't think Biden would take the offer.

"I would bet," he said. "'Cause he's all talk."

Turns out, Biden has no interest in a day on the course with Trump ... his camp said in a statement Tuesday night "Joe Biden doesn't have time for Donald Trump's weird antics."

"He's busy leading America and defending the free world. Donald Trump is a liar, a convict, and a fraud only out for himself – par for the course."

Our response to Trump challenging President Biden to a golf match at his deranged rally tonight

— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) July 10, 2024

A duel between the two would, of course, be must-see TV ... particularly after Biden told Trump he's at one point gotten his handicap all the way down to a six.

But, doesn't look like a match between the two will ever go down -- a sad reality for golf fans ... and even pro golfers!

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