
Ex-Wrestler 2 Cold Scorpio Stabbed Man Needed Staples, Stitches ... Horrific Pics Show

The man who was viciously stabbed in an altercation with ex-wrestling star 2 Cold Scorpio is lucky to be alive ... with TMZ Sports obtaining horrific images of the aftermath of the June 15 incident.

As we previously reported, the former WCW Tag Team Champion told cops he was working a security shift at a Love's Travel Stop in Kanas City, Mo. ... when an argument with a patron over a cigarette turned physical.

58-year-old 2 Cold Scorpio -- real name Charles Scaggs -- told authorities he used a knife out of self-defense ... claiming the man threatened him and tried to grapple.

The man suffered deep cuts to his head, chest, buttocks, legs and abs in the fight ... and was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Now, we have the visuals of the extent of the injuries ... which required dozens of staples and stitches throughout his body.

What's interesting -- we're told the man was actually a big fan of Scaggs' growing up ... and was completely shocked to run into the wrestler, let alone get in a bloody brawl with him.

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Scaggs was hit with two felony charges -- first-degree assault and armed criminal action. He entered a not-guilty plea and is due back in court next month.

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