Kesha Mum on Katy Perry Working With Luke ... But My Face Says It All

Kesha won't say anything about Katy Perry working with her old nemesis Dr. Luke again ... but it's clear she's feeling some type of way, and her facial expressions are a dead giveaway.

The singer was at LAX this weekend when a photog asked her about Katy collaborating with Luke on new music -- something that was confirmed last week -- and while she remained mum on the topic, her body language certainly telegraphs how she really feels.

Check it out ... Kesha definitely isn't running from the question here -- and she actually reacts to it -- albeit, without any words. Instead, she smirks and then gets into her car -- it's telling.

Remember ... Kesha's got a well-documented history with Katy and Luke. She sued Dr. Luke in 2014, accusing him of sexual assault, but he vehemently denied the allegations and filed a suit against her for defamation, and Katy ultimately got dragged into their legal battle.

Kesha fans are upset Katy is working with Luke -- calling it a betrayal -- and Kesha keeps dropping strong hints she agrees ... without ripping KP directly.

As we reported ... when news of Katy and Luke's collab first broke last week, Kesha seemingly responded with a post on X where she simply wrote "lol" -- and many took that to be an indirect response to the latest collab between them.

For her part, Katy hasn't addressed any of the backlash either ... but the silence from Kesha here is deafening, and her reactions to the KP questions say it all.

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