
NBA's Talen Horton-Tucker Home Broken Into ... $170K In Jewelry Allegedly Stolen

A Los Angeles-area home belonging to NBA guard Talen Horton-Tucker was broken into earlier this week ... and law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports cops believe the suspect made off with $170,000 in jewelry.

We're told the break-in -- or at least part of it -- was actually captured on camera ... showing the thief entering the property by jumping over a back fence -- before leaving out of one of the residence's side yards.

Thankfully, our sources say no one was home at the time of the burglary -- as Horton-Tucker was not in town. We're told it was a house sitter who discovered it and reported it to police.

So far, no arrests have been made -- but an investigation remains ongoing.

The incident marks the second time in the last few weeks that an NBA player's L.A. home was burglarized -- Patrick Patterson just had a break-in reported at one of his places too.

Horton-Tucker spent the first few years of his NBA career in Los Angeles -- playing alongside LeBron James with the Lakers. The two won a title together in 2020. In 2022, THT was traded to Utah -- where he's started 31 games the past two seasons.

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