Saint West Kim K's Kid ... Dominates Youth Hoops Game!!!

Forget a stage, Kanye West's 8-year-old kid's future might just be on the hardwood ... check out some highlights Kim Kardashian posted of their son from a recent youth basketball game -- Saint West can ball!!

The SKIMs co-founder posted the clips on her Instagram page Tuesday night ... showing the little guy scoring at will against his peers.

The youngin' -- rocking a blonde fauxhawk and lime green sneakers -- was shown hitting a long 3-pointer, dribbling in and out of defenders ... and finishing at the basket too!!

It's clear the boy had a great support system rooting him on in the crowd as well ... a bunch of people can be heard in the footage chanting his name and cheering as his shots repeatedly fell through the hoop.

Of course, the success shouldn't be too surprising ... especially considering all the exposure Saint's gotten to superstar athletes recently.

If you haven't seen, Saint's been spotted hobnobbin' with big names at Lakers games -- and at huge soccer events as well.

He's still got a lot of growing up to do -- but maybe in 10 years, Danny Hurley and John Calipari will be giving him some calls?!?

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