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Texas Cyclists Knocked Off Bikes, Run Over By Car ... Caught on Graphic Video

Frightening moment on a Texas road ... two cyclists were knocked off their bikes and run over by a car ... and it's all on video.

The horrifying footage -- captured on Monday -- shows the cyclists pedaling hard in the right lane of a road just outside of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport ... when a white SUV comes up from behind and rams into them, knocking them off their bikes.

One biker gets knocked off their bike entirely and goes toppling to the ground ... while the other biker stays upright a bit before eventually going down too, and getting crushed.

The car stops for a brief moment then speeds up again, running over this poor guy ... it looks like the tires go right over the cyclist's back and legs -- yeah, it's incredibly brutal.

Good Samaritans reportedly chased down the white SUV and stopped the driver until police arrived -- and folks who were there say the alleged hit-and-run driver was ultimately arrested and led away in handcuffs.

Miraculously, the cyclists are said to have been okay after this ... only sustaining minor injuries ... and are expected to make a full recovery. Frankly, this could've been deadly.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to cops for more info on the suspect who was taken into custody -- including what charges he's facing ... and what might've led up to the collision.

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