alan cumming x2 Getty/Twentieth Century Fox

Alan Cumming 'X2' Is My Gayest Movie ... Allegory For Queerness!!!

Alan Cumming takes great Pride in his 'X-Men' movie "X2" ... quite literally 'cause the actor's claiming it's the gayest movie he's ever made!

The actor -- who now hosts the hit reality competition show "The Traitors" -- sat down for an interview with Entertainment Weekly recently where he reflected on his diverse career including his appearance in the 2003 follow-up to "X-Men."

xmen 2 poster

If you haven't seen the movie, Cumming plays Nightcrawler -- a bright blue mutant with the ability to teleport in the flick. Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Patrick Stewart and James Marsden star in the movie and, by all appearances, the film's a pretty standard comic book film.

But, AC disagrees ... calling the movie the "gayest film I've ever done and that's me saying it" -- Cumming came out publicly in 1998.

Alan says the movie had a queer director as well as a fair few queer actors -- but, more than that Cumming says the whole storyline of the movie's an allegory for queerness.

Cumming sees characters who have to hide their special gifts to avoid persecution in the world -- a theme he thinks many in the gay community can relate to.

While Cumming doesn't mention it specifically, there's one piece of dialoguesome online have picked up on in the film which seems to validate Cumming's theory ... where one character's mother asks if they've "tried not being a mutant" -- pretty easy to read between the lines.

No matter the intent, Cumming's clearly made up his mind ... "X2" is a gay masterpiece -- and, Pride attendees can definitely wear X-men costumes, too!