Miss Me? / BBC

Billie Eilish I Was Ghosted By a Guy ... Who I Knew for Years!!!

Billie Eilish says she's been ghosted before -- in fact, it happened recently ... by some dude she says she knew for a long time, who just decided to cut her out one random day.

The singer shared a recent interpersonal horror story on the BBC podcast "Miss Me?" -- telling hosts Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver about the craziest instance of ghosting she's ever experienced ... which happened just half a year ago.

Billie says she was talking to a guy back in December and they were on the phone one day, making a plan to hang out. She says she invited him over to her house, gave him a time and sent the address ... but the guy never showed and went radio silent.

Given the fact Billie says she knew this guy for years, she says it's "unbelievable" he ghosted her ... joking she thought he literally died when she never heard from him again.

Billie's initial reaction when she realized she was being ghosted ... "What a f***ing pathetic man. What a tiny little man." BE says she later saw the guy was dating someone else, which surprised her too.

While she doesn't reveal this fella's identity -- it doesn't appear to be anyone she's dated of late -- remember, she broke up with Jesse Rutherford way back in May 2023 ... so this seems to be some new(er) dude she was hollering at.

The question ... who the hell would ghost Billie Eilish??? Ballsy move, indeed.

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