Bill Maher We Should Be Ashamed of Our Prisons ... And We're All Paying the Price

Bill Maher made a strong case Friday night for the U.S. to come to Jesus -- even though he doesn't believe in Jesus -- because of the way we treat prisoners.

The 'Real Time' host castigated us for the whole, "lock-em-up-and-throw-away-the key" mentality. You make a rape joke you get canceled, except for prison rape jokes -- for that you get laughs. As he says, we view sodomy as the appropriate comeuppance for criminal behavior.

Fact is ... 95% of prisoners get out, and they come out worse than when they went in. That's because conditions in many/most prisons are deplorable. Inmates sleep on the floor and fight for toilets because of overcrowding.

And speaking of overcrowding, we house 2 million inmates in the U.S. ... more than Russia.

Bill grouses that prisons force inmates to become racist. They have to join a racial group and profess hatred for other groups.  It's that or die, and it's a byproduct of the way prisons are run.

You should watch the vid ... it's really eye-opening.

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