U.S. Women's Open Golfer Hits Bird With Shot ... Rest In Peace

A golfer at the U.S. Women's Open hit a birdie on Thursday ... but not one she was hoping for -- 'cause a winged creature is now dead after it got absolutely rocked by a ball.

The sad moment went down on the 12th hole at Lancaster Country Club ... when cameras captured the participant's approach shot.

Randy Johnson situation at the U.S. Women’s Open!!!pic.twitter.com/lBs5uZAj8b

— Dan Rapaport (@Daniel_Rapaport) May 30, 2024

As the ball came down from the sky, a bird was just chilling on the green ... and unfortunately, it was the worst case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The TV announcers addressed the lowlight ... saying, "And on our list of bizarre things that we have seen on the 12th hole, I mean, this one's kind of sad, takes the cake -- bird sitting on the green, minding its own business."


Now there's some speculation the bird was just stunned and not RIP'd ... but probably not.

A staffer was tasked with removing it from the green ... picking it up and holding it with his bare hand as he strolled off the course.

It's like Randy Johnson all over again.

Rest in tweet.

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