'Wheel of Fortune' Wildly Wrong Guess ... 'Butt' of the Joke!!!

This "Wheel of Fortune" contestant's getting major props for NOT winning big -- butt he lost in spectacular fashion ... with a guess that you just gotta see to believe.

The episode of 'WoF' aired Thursday night, featuring a phrase puzzle to start off the game with letters popping up one after the other. After a few letters appeared, a contestant named Tavaris throws out his best guess. Well, a guess.

Take a glance at the board, as Tavaris did, and maybe you also came up with, "Right In The Butt!" 🤣

But, we're guessing you didn't -- after all, the first word's supposed to have four letters in it, not five -- and, one of his fellow contestants yelped out in shock at Tavaris' guess while audience members laughed their butts off.

After 2 more letters popped up, another contestant buzzed in ... correctly answering "This Is The Best" -- and Pat Sajak clearly got a good chuckle outta the whole mess. By now, he knows a viral puzzle when he sees it.

Tavaris was a good sport, telling the woman who got the puzzle right she gave a much better answer than his. 'Wheel' fans instantly recognized this as a Hall of Fame moment that'll go down in the game's history.


It's another particularly memorable moment in Sajak's career ... one that's coming to an end very soon. His last 'Wheel' episode is scheduled for June 7 after nearly 45 years at the show's helm.

As we've reported ... Ryan Seacrest is set to take over for Sajak while Vanna White will continue in her cohosting role -- butt let's face it, Seacrest can only hope he gets a contestant as memorable as Tavaris!

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