Jennifer Lopez Slaps Away Ben Question From Reporter ... 'You Know Better'

Jennifer Lopez is keeping mum over rumors of her troubled marriage to Ben Affleck – and even warned a reporter not to ask about it.

The singer/actress was sitting onstage during Wednesday's panel discussion in Mexico City for her upcoming movie, "Atlas," when she was questioned about the status of her relationship with Ben.

Check out the video ... off camera, the journalist can be heard asking J Lo to address all the speculation around Ben. J Lo got the message loud and clear, and gave the newsman a little piece of her mind.

Leaning forward, J Lo told the reporter, "You know better than that," before she smiled and straightened up in her chair.

Another panelist also admonished the reporter for bringing up the delicate subject as J Lo went back to talking about her film.

Jen and Ben have been a hot topic in the media of late. As we first reported, the couple recently hit a rough patch and are now living in separate homes in L.A.

Ben has been photographed around town without his wedding ring, while also going out to dinner with Jen and attending a school function together for her child, Emme.

On Monday, J Lo showed up solo for the premiere of "Atlas" at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. Around the same time, Ben was on set shooting his own movie, which seemingly kept him from attending J Lo's big night.

Still, we don't know what all this means -- and J Lo isn't giving an inch and neither is Ben. We'll just have to see where this goes.

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