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City Of Kansas City Fires Employee ... Over Harrison Butker Tweet

After two weeks of outrage, Harrison Butker's controversial commencement speech finally resulted in someone's firing -- it just wasn't the Chiefs' placekicker who lost his job -- but instead, a member of the City of K.C.'s social media team got the axe after doxxing the Super Bowl champ.

On Thursday, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas revealed the city "separated" from a K.C. staffer who publicly roasted 28-year-old Butker after his Benedictine College speech, tweeting, "Just a reminder that Harrison Butker lives in the City of Lee's Summit."

The message was deleted shortly after ... and an apology put up in its place -- "We apologies (sic) for our previous tweet. It was shared in error."

Unfortunately for the city worker, the tweet angered many who believed the message put Harrison's safety at risk ... including Missouri's Attorney General -- the state's top law enforcement official -- who vowed to take action.

"I will enforce the Missouri Human Rights Act to ensure Missourians are not targeted for their free exercise of religion. Stay tuned," MO AG Andrew Bailey said at the time.

It's unclear if the Attorney General will pursue action now that the social media staffer is out of a job.

For his part, the mayor wishes to move on from the controversy.

During a local radio appearance this week, Lucas said ... "We all look forward to moving on, letting the Chiefs play, [and] letting the city do what it's supposed to do in delivering basic services."

Kansas City Chiefs

Despite many calling for his job ... Butker's receiving support from some of the most influential Chiefs, including Patrick Mahomes, head coach Andy Reid and team heiress Gracie Hunt have had their kickers back.

Harrison Butker isn't goin' anywhere.

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