Ex-NFL Star Taylor Lewan Saves Snapping Turtle From Traffic!!!

Taylor Lewan showed Wednesday morning he's got a big ole heart to go along with his big muscles ... as he helped save a turtle from becoming roadkill!!

The former NFL star said he performed the good deed a short time after dropping off his kids at school ... when he noticed a huge snapping turtle trying to cross a roadway in the Nashville area.

Lewan stated on his Instagram page he got it off the side of the road and into a grassy area safe and sound.

His wife, though, claimed she was more of the hero in the story ... writing in the comment section of the ex-offensive lineman's post, "You were too scared to touch it so you made me carry it across the 4 lane highway. Once it was safe you took a photo op with it."

Lewan didn't exactly deny the allegation ... joking, "Wasn’t scared at all, definitely didn’t make Taylin pick it up first to make sure it was safe."

Regardless, we're sure the creature's thankful it crossed paths with Lewan on Wednesday ... and can now live to celebrate Thursday's World Turtle Day in peace!

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