Anya Taylor-Joy Security Fends Off Autograph Hound Dude Just Keeps on Coming

Anya Taylor-Joy is likely feeling grateful for her security team after one fan relentlessly pursued getting an autograph ... 'cause they were able to keep him away, but it took WORK!

Check out this wild video that's making the rounds online ... you see the actress -- who's in France promoting her new flick, "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" -- making her way through a crowd of adoring fans shouting her name, and a bunch of people following her.

Anya -- rocking a body-hugging orange dress and an oversized sun hat -- tries to keep a cool demeanor as she walks alongside her security guard and other members of her team ... that is, until one dude insists on trying to get her John Hancock ... very aggressively.

The fan keeps putting himself directly in front of Anya's path -- despite the fact she's already politely declined signing an autograph ... and eventually, starts full-on rushing at the actress a number of times, forcing Anya's security guard to drag him back by the arm.

Anya repeatedly apologizes to the fans, eventually finding rescue in her awaiting town car ... where she's able to finally get away from all the madness. Luckily, the guy stays away.

This is probably just a taste of the frenzy awaiting the actress ... as the highly anticipated 'Mad Max' prequel is making its grand debut at the Cannes Film Festival  -- where there will be hundreds of photographers documenting the red carpet.

'Furiosa' isn't the only buzzy premiere headed to Cannes ... as "The Apprentice," starring Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump, and "Emilia Pérez," starring Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldaña, is also hitting the film festival.

As for Anya  though ... she's a rising star, and this is unfortunately part of the biz.

Hopefully these security guys get a raise ... 'cause they did a good ass job here.

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