
O.J. Simpson Signed Recital Program From Day Of Double Murders ... Hits Auction Block

O.J. Simpson infamously attended his daughter's dance recital the day of the gruesome double murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in 1994 ... and now a program from the event, signed by the Hall of Famer, is on the auction block.

O.J. and Nicole's daughter, Sydney, performed at the "Dance For Kids" recital on June 12, 1994 at a junior high school in L.A. ... and both parents were in the building.

The show started at 5 PM... and Sydney performed a number titled "Footloose."

While in the auditorium, someone asked Simpson for his John Hancock ... and Juice obliged, signing the yellow, 8.5" x 11" dance recital program with a blue, ballpoint pen (signature has since been graded a near mint 7 by PSA/NDA).

Now, the program is available for purchase at Lelands ... where the item has already been bid on 9 times. The high mark is just over $1k for now, but you can bet that'll increase a bunch before the auction closes on May 19.

Tragically, just five hours after the recital began, Nicole, along with Ron, were murdered outside of her Brentwood home.

Less than a week later, on June 17, the country watched Simspon lead police on an hours-long chase through the streets of Los Angeles in buddy Al Cowling's Ford Bronco.

Simspon, eventually arrested and charged with the murders, was found not guilty of the double homicides on October 3, 1995.

Less than two years later, O.J. was found liable for the killings in civil court, and ordered to pay more than $33 million.

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