
Tiffany Haddish Campus Protests Are Not Effective ... Write a Letter, Or Lobby!!!

Tiffany Haddish unloaded on campus protesters across the country who are speaking out about the war in the Middle East -- and she's doubling down ... offering up other solutions.

The comedian was in NYC Monday, where we caught her in the street for a quick stop-and-chat -- and Tiffany expanded on her thoughts from this weekend ... where she was filmed at a Netflix Is a Joke event discussing the ongoing demonstrations at universities everywhere.

If you didn't see that ... well, her remarks are pretty interesting -- 'cause she basically telegraphed her true feelings about all these protesters and their disruptive methods.

Long story short ... she doesn't think they're helping much, and do more harm than good.

That same sentiment is reflected here in this new interview she did with us in the Big Apple -- where TH once again suggested these student protests weren't the most effective way to bring about change ... in fact, she even says they're going about it all the wrong way.

Take a listen for yourself, 'cause Tiff's words are pretty interesting. She says she's all for free speech and protesting genocide -- but she says if you're gonna protest one, you need to do it for all -- mentioning some righteous causes she thinks are worth hitting the street over.

On the issue of being more productive to get what they want done ... Tiffany suggests these students should finish their education, infiltrate politics/congress and force change from the inside out. She also says lobbying would be wiser ... including old-fashioned calls and letters.

Indeed, Tiffany says writing your congressman would be better than all this protesting.

Remember, Tiffany went to Israel recently ... so she may know a thing or two about this. Whether anyone will heed her advice ... well, that's a totally different conversation.

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