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Caitlyn Jenner Deport Pro-Palestine LGBT Protesters ... See If You Like Iran, Gaza!!!

Caitlyn Jenner is popping off about the ongoing pro-Palestine protests at college campuses across the country -- and she's got a strong take ... ship these folks to the Middle East!!!

The former Olympian fired off a strongly-worded opinion on all the demonstrations happening at American universities -- particularly those who are using LGBTQ+ imagery as a way of standing in solidarity with what's going on in Gaza.

Specifically, she commented on a video of protesters at Cal Poly Humboldt -- where students were being asked to disperse ... with one spinning around a rainbow-colored umbrella.

It seems Caitlyn took this to mean these protesters were attempting to conflate causes and allegiances -- and she's making it clear she, as a trans woman, is firmly not in their camp.

I have collected the strangest and most alarming clips from the Cal Poly Humboldt Encampment's Showdown with the Police last night. I have described this group as the Manson Family meets the Weather Underground.

You will see the weird protest performance art that is reminiscent…

— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 30, 2024

She writes, "Deport these morons and send them to Iran or Gaza. Have fun being burnt alive, beheaded, or pushed off a building. It is illegal, and punishable by death in the most egregious ways, to be LGBT in these hell hole regions, governed with terrorist regimes!"

Not all that surprising ... frankly, we know Caitlyn is conservative -- and this is a position many on the right have taken amid this growing conflict. Some agree with her, but others are saying this is a bit too extreme.

Remember, CJ confronted pro-Palestine protesters in D.C. last weekend who were demonstrating at the White House Correspondents' Dinner -- so this is right up her alley.

The protests at college campuses have reached a fever pitch over the past several days -- and it looks like folks are drawing a line in the sand ... and making it clear where they stand.

Caitlyn certainly is, anyway.

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