On April 30, 2004, the premiere of the high school dramedy film, "Mean Girls", would become a true global sensation. To celebrate two decades of iconic pop culture moments -- like Regina George-style cutout tanks and dressing as a mouse ("duh") for Halloween -- start Jingle Bell Rockin' your way back to the early 2000's with the legendary cast of "Mean Girls."
To kick things off, American actor Daniel Franzese was 25 years old when he played the role of Damian -- the funny North Shore High School junior and Janice Ian's loyal bestie" in the 2004 high school comedy film "Mean Girls."
Daniel was part of an ensemble cast starring Hollywood icons like Lindsay Lohan as the new kid from Africa figuring out high school antics, Cady Heron, Rachel McAdams as the blonde bombshell "plastic", Regina George and Tina Fey as the math teacher and recent divorcee, Ms. Norbury.
Other worthy mentions include Amanda Seyfried as Karen Smith, Jonathan Bennett as Aaron Samuels and Lacey Chabert as Gretchen Wieners.
"I want my pink shirt back!"
And, check out the other cast icons with our "Mean Girls" 'Memba Them Gallery!