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Universal Studios Hollywood Backlot Tour Tram Crash ... Ejected Guests' Injuries Minor, Tours Resume


4/22 9:33 AM PT -- The CHP says the tram was making a turn when the last car collided with a guardrail, causing it to "tilt and eject multiple passengers."

While initial reports claimed one passenger suffered critical injuries ... Universal says that based on agency reports, the "injuries sustained by guests were minor."

They continued, "We are working closely with public agencies, including the California Highway Patrol, as we continue our review of the incident and safety remains a top priority."

Park officials also stated tours have now resumed with a modified route.

A tram crashed during one of Universal Studios Hollywood's world-famous studio tours, with 15 park-goers taken to local hospitals.

The LACFD responded to the theme park just after 9 PM ... and while details about the incident are sketchy, authorities say most people suffered only minor injuries, but one person's was critical.

The L.A. Times reports the last car in a four-car tram hit a rail while traveling down one of the hills, and there was "some type of issue with the brakes," according to LACS Lt. Maria Abal.

CHP is investigating the crash.

A spokesperson with Universal told THR, "There was a tram incident at the theme park tonight that resulted in multiple minor injuries, confirmed by the LA County Fire Dept."

The statement continued, "We are working to support our guests and understand the circumstances that led to the accident.”

TMZ Studios

The tour, which debuted in 1964, takes guests on a tour of the backlot to see where many famous film and television shows were filmed over the years -- including "Jaws" and Jordan Peele's "Nope."

Originally Published -- 4/21 5:35 AM PT