Jam Press

Brazilian Woman Hitched a Taxi Ride with Dead Uncle ... Before Hitting the Bank 😵

The Brazilian woman arrested for trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" her uncle's corpse at a bank apparently brought the body with her in a taxi beforehand ... and it's on video.

Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes was caught on surveillance footage not long before she rolled into the bank and tried applying for a loan with her deceased relative. As you can see, she is seen setting up a wheelchair outside a taxi cab -- where she enlists the driver's help to lift her uncle's lifeless body out of the front passenger seat.

After placing her uncle, Paulo Roberto Braga, in the wheelchair, the driver shuts the car door and bounces. Erika is seen paying the driver, as Paulo's gaunt body droops over the side.

While there is no audio on the surveillance footage, passersby appear to express concern for Paulo ... with one man even approaching Erika with a question. The eyewitness is seen pointing at Paulo's corpse and doing a double-take before walking away.

Jam Press

While Paulo's exact time of death remains unclear, Erika was also spotted wheeling him into an emergency room a day before the bank visit. In the footage, Paulo is sitting upright, clearly alive, as Erika pushes his wheelchair into the medical center.

According to Revista Forum, Paulo had spent a week in the hospital receiving treatment ... and was released on April 15. Erika and Paulo reportedly returned to the hospital hours later.

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Authorities previously stated they believed Paulo was dead for hours before Erika brought him to the bank in an attempt to score a $3,400 loan. Erika reportedly claims Paulo died while sitting in the wheelchair at the bank ... which she's offering up as her defense.

She now faces theft through fraud, embezzlement, and abuse of a corpse charges.

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