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Donald Trump's catching a bit of a break yet again ... his hefty multi-million-dollar bond in his New York civil case just got a major trim, and he may just be able to pay it off.

A NY appeals court sliced DT's civil fraud judgment bond from a staggering $454 million down to $175 million Monday ... plus they're tossing in an extra 10 days for him to rustle up the cash after his legal squad said they were hitting roadblocks securing the dough.

trump in court

The ruling comes on the same day New York Attorney General Letitia James would've started trying to enforce the judgment against Trump in this case -- namely, by initiating the gears of attempting to seize his assets, including cash he might have and even properties.

Remember ... last week, Trump's legal team said he's been struggling to come up with the cash just to appeal the ruling against him -- as insurers were laughing him off. As we reported, Trump's lawyers said getting help to pay off this bond was a practical impossibility.

In fact, they even said they'd unsuccessfully approached 30 underwriters to back the bond ... but it was all crickets 'cause "very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude."

Trump's team added he'd need almost a billion bucks in cash reserves just to get an insurance company on board ... and by the sounds of it, DT was coming up short.

Now, however ... Trump's been given a lifeline, as an appeals court clearly agreed that the bond the OG judge was trying to enforce was absurd ... and he's got some time to come up with the cash. NYT reports he should be able to do it too, and he lives to fight another day.