
TMZ TV Recap Travis Kelce Keeps on Partying ... Wendy Williams Struggles, Ric Flair

We're starting the week strong here at TMZ, and that begins with some hefty TV topics!

TMZ Live

Starting out on 'TMZ Live,' Harvey and Charles talked about Travis Kelce's latest trip to Las Vegas -- where he once again partied hard with his teammates after the big Super Bowl win a couple weeks ago ... when they also went out and celebrated. This was round two of that.

The only difference now ... Travis left Taylor Swift in the dust to come rage with the boys.


Next up, 'TMZ on TV' ... where the gang talked about the heavy subject of Wendy Williams and all the struggles she's been going through lately, which were well-chronicled on a new Lifetime documentary that aired this weekend ... despite the best efforts from her guardian.

Like we said, tough topic ... and you can tell by the conversation we had amongst ourselves.

TMZ Sports

And finally, we land on 'TMZ Sports,' where it was none other than Ric Flair's 75th birthday!

Check your local listings for when TMZ is on in your area or catch up on past episodes!