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Ex-UFC Star Brendan Schaub Flips Truck Off-Roading ... Wild Crash Caught On Video

Brendan Schaub flipped his truck in a terrifying off-roading crash earlier this month ... and the wild accident was all captured on video.

It happened while the former UFC fighter was trying to show off his souped-up TRX for an episode of his "Tune Town" YouTube show.

The 40-year-old took the ride to Johnson Valley, Calif. for a day of fun after getting it all tricked out ... and, initially, everything was going according to plan.

He and the vehicle were getting good shots blowing through dirt, sand and boulders -- and despite getting stuck at one point, the afternoon still appeared to be a success.

But, as he was getting set to leave, Schaub tried to spin some donuts ... and lost control.

You can see in video that Schaub posted to his social media pages, his airbag exploded as he was thrown around inside of the cab.

Thankfully, he was able to make it out of the car relatively unscathed ... though he did reveal he suffered a concussion in the wreck.

"Definitely didn't need another one," he said of the head injury. "But it could be a whole lot worse."

Schaub wrote on his YouTube page that the truck cost him in the area of $200,000.

TMZ Studios

"My favorite vehicle I've ever owned is that TRX," he said.

Schaub noted that he learned from the incident that he needs to be more patient ... but he was able to joke about it all -- writing on his X page, "The only question after flipping your truck is….but did you have fun tho?"

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