
Diddy WB C&D'ed My Joker Costume ... Gonna Push The Limit Again!!!

Diddy says his version of Heath Ledger's Joker was so good last year Warner Bros. sent him a cease and desist from doing the look in the future.

If you recall, Diddy masqueraded around L.A. dressed as Batman's arch nemesis during Halloween 2022 and fooled a lot of people in the process who didn't even realize it was Diddy ... just ask Tyler, The Creator and "Power" actor Michael J. Ferguson.


Diddy told Jimmy Kimmel WB's legal team determined his full-blown makeup infringed on The Joker's copyright ... but for Halloween 2023, he's still planning on making them earn their retainer with another take on one of their properties.

Heath posthumously won an Oscar for his take on Mr J. and Diddy did him justice ... staying in character the whole night.

Halloween, movie auditions -- it's all the same thing for Diddy!!!

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