Jack-In-The-Box Employee Fires Gun At Angry Drive-Thru Customer

Jack-In-The-Box Employee Pulls Gun on Angry Customer ... Ready, Aim, Fire!!!

One Jack-in-the-Box employee got wound up a little too tight when dealing with an angry drive-thru customer -- whipping out her gun ... and firing as the customer fled.

This INSANE footage just surfaced as part of an ongoing lawsuit that a man named Anthony Ramos filed against the fast food chain -- all over a 2021 incident that Ramos says was caught on video showing a JITB worker firing bullets after she and Ramos got into it over curly fries.

Essentially ... Ramos says he and his family -- including his pregnant wife and young daughter -- swung by a Houston-area Jack-in-the-Box in March '21 and ordered a combo meal to go, but when he told the employees he was missing items, things escalated.

The back-and-forth arguing got so intense that Ramos apparently started to chuck some of the food back at the JITB drive-thru crew -- which spurred employee Alonniea Fantasia Ford to head back into the recesses of the restaurant ... only to return with a pistol in hand.

The surveillance footage Ramos and his legal team obtained in discovery seems to show Ford shooting at least a couple times at Ramos/his car -- which speeds away.

Luckily, it doesn't sound like anyone was hurt -- but Ramos and co. are now going after the Jack-in-the-Box ... alleging they were negligent in hiring Ford.

Ford's also reportedly being sued and was reportedly arrested over this as well -- and apparently copped a plea to a deadly conduct charge and already served her sentence. Ramos is seeking at least $250k in damages ... JITB hasn't responded to this clip yet.