Duran Duran Guitarist Andy Taylor Says He's Now 'Asymptomatic' Thanks To 'The Elon Musk Of Cancer'

Andy Taylor has been battling a deadly form of cancer for years, but he's done a complete 180 recently and now says he isn't showing symptoms of the disease.

The Duran Duran guitarist was interviewed Friday by The Times of London, revealing the amazing news about his favorable stage 4 prostate cancer prognosis.

Taylor gave all the credit for his miraculous recovery to scientist Christopher Evans, who used an innovative treatment to target his cancer cells with radioactive chemicals.

Taylor said, “I was classified as palliative, end-of-life care. Now I’m not; I’m asymptomatic.” He also referred to Evans as a genius, calling him "the Elon Musk of cancer.”

But, Taylor admits the process has been tough on him, saying he turns “radioactive for several days” and has gone through many psychological highs and lows during his long journey.

Six weeks after he was first diagnosed in 2018, Taylor hit rock bottom emotionally, thinking he was going to die.

He said, "You’re gonna have to say goodbye to your family. You’re not going to see your grandson’s 10th birthday. Psychologically it’s mind-blowing — you can’t have therapy to remove the certainty of death.”


Taylor kept his disease private until Duran Duran was inducted in the 2022 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and lead singer Simon Le Bon read a letter from him explaining his cancer fight during the band's acceptance speech.

Taylor says he's not out of the woods just yet ... he still has to go through a few more rounds of cancer treatments, but things are certainly on the right track.

Good luck, Andy!!

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