Instagram / @britneyspears

Britney Spears I'm Done With Botox Tries Alternative Treatment

Britney Spears is swearing off Botox, she says the injections make her face look like someone beat her up ... and now she's going with an alternative cosmetic treatment.

The singer hopped on Instagram for a Friday rant about Botox, recounting some harrowing experiences with the injections ... and propping up a new product she says she's really happy with.

Britney says she's done Botox in the past, with disastrous effects ... saying it made her forehead swell up and eyelids droop, to the point where she was afraid to be seen outside until the side effects subsided.

For Britney, she no longer sees the point in shelling out big bucks for Botox ... and now she's trying SiO beauty patches.

Britney says the SiO patches make her look and feel great ... and she's really pleased with the results.

It doesn't appear this is a sponsored post or a collab with SiO Beauty ... and Britney says "f*** Botox."

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