Have a mess? No stress! Spring cleaning is here, so take a page out of the stars' books and get your pantries clean and lean! Step into the spiffy pantries of top-shelf organizers like Mindy Kaling, Busy Philipps and Chrissy Teigen who know a thing or two about keepin' it freaky fresh!
With the assistance of a little celeb clue, your Saturday chore is to guess the celeb's pantry!

Yes, she may live in a lavish Beverly Hills mansion, but her pantry is just as tidy and meticulous with an assortment of jams and snacks for the kiddos! If this outspoken mom has late-night "cravings" she doesn't fret, because her pantry is "legendary!" Can you guess the star who owns this pantry?
You sure can taste the rainbow in this color-coordinated pantry! From the plethora of perfectly-placed condiments to the calligraphy-labeled bins and baskets, this actress managed to take a break from her 'Busy' life to organize the heck out of her pantry! Any takers?!
Needless to say ... spring cleaning, there's no better feeling! Take inventory of all the stars who love a good cleanse and keep their pantries in check, and while you're at it see if you can guess the celebrity's pantry!
Out with the old, in with the new ... happy cleaning 😁!