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Kylie Jenner First Photos of Son's Face ... Finally Reveals Name Too

Kylie Jenner is finally showing off her baby boy almost a year after he was born -- posting the first photos where his face is in clear view ... while also declaring his new name.

The new mom did a photo dump Saturday, which contained 4 pictures of her son ... whom she delivered in February 2022. The first pic shows her cradling her little one and taking a mirror selfie, the 2nd and 4th slides show him solo and the 3rd is of a photo shoot.

kylie jenner

The caption's reads, "AIRE." Unclear how that pronunciation goes, but the mystery is finally solved -- this after months of keeping both her child and his new moniker under wraps.

FWIW, this name is of Hebrew origin, and it means "Lion of God," according to a ton of baby name sites. It also seems to be thematically in line with her other child's name ... Stormi. Of course, she's getting a ton of love for the post -- from her sisters, friends and fans alike.

You'll recall ... Kylie and her BD, Travis Scott, announced in March that they were scrapping their son's original name, Wolf, because they apparently felt it didn't quite fit him. It wasn't done in a snap either -- there was a whole legal process the parents had to undertake.

Kylie's been leaking out little snapshots of the baby's hands and feet here and there ... but clearly didn't feel like being rushed in introducing her new bundle of joy to the world.

Well worth the wait, we'd say. Congrats again!