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Ben Savage Boy Meets U.S. Congress ... IF You Vote for Me, That Is!!!

Ben Savage wants another bite at the apple in politics -- only this time, he's thinking bigger ... now running for a U.S. Congressional seat.

The "Boy Meets World" star is throwing his hat in the ring for a soon-to-be vacant seat in the U.S. House of Representatives -- assuming Rep. Adam Schiff makes a run for Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Senate seat, which is widely expected to happen in the near future.

Anticipating that political shift ... Ben has officially filed paperwork expressing his interest to enter the race for a chance to represent California's 30th District, which includes parts of Los Angeles and cities immediately to its north.

Of course, this comes just a couple months after Ben tried his hand at more local politics -- in November, he ran for L.A. City Council, but lost ... garnering only 6.3% of the vote and tying for 7th place.

Rather than take his ball and go home, though ... Cory Matthews is getting back out there. He's registered as a Democrat, same as when he ran for city council.

Ben actually interned for then-U.S. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania back in the 2000s while he was a student at Stanford University.

Schiff's seat is highly coveted, so Ben should expect a tough race with seasoned political vets.

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