Bobby Shmurda Uncle Murda Freddie Gibbs
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Bobby Shmurda Lovin' Uncle Murda's 2022 Rap-Up ... Not So Much for Freddie Gibbs!!!

The end of a year means Uncle Murda's "Rap-Up" series is bound to ruffle some feathers and the G-Unit rapper clipped plenty of wings with his 2022 edition!!!

Like he always does around this time, Murda tackled the top events of the past 365 days with unapologetic aggression ... clowning Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, Yung Miami for letting Diddy have a side-baby and slamming all things Ye '22.

Murda's fellow Brooklynite Bobby Shmurda reacted with glee over his favorable mention ... which outlined the short-lived beef between the "Hot N***a" rapper and NBA YoungBoy.

On the contrary, Murda also addressed Freddie Gibbs' getting jumped during his tour stop in Benny The Butcher's hometown of Buffalo ... and called him a sucker for it.

Gangsta Gibbs didn't take too kindly to the comical shoutout ... and claimed Murda will have the opposite energy when they see each other in real life.

Murda has been raising eyebrows with "Rap-Ups" since 2014 but he originally got the idea from veteran Virginia rapper Mad Skillz, who called it quits in 2021 after starting back in 2002 -- and is apparently still ducking the friction.

He deleted all his social media accounts!!!

Murda is currently teasing the song's official music video ... which is bound to piss off even more artists!!!