Airport Freakout Woman Chucks Computer At Airline Agent

People are really on edge at airports during the holiday travel season ... a woman in Miami ripped out a computer monitor and chucked it at a gate agent ... and it's all on video.

The crazy scene played out Tuesday at Miami International Airport, and it shows a woman going absolutely nuts on American Airlines staff in the middle of a crowded gate area ... eventually getting her hands on a computer screen and throwing it at the agent.

Stunned onlookers gasp in horror as the computer monitor flies through the air, crashing into the airline worker ... who somehow manages to keep her cool amid all the chaos.

The woman reportedly launched into her tirade after noticing her kids had walked away from the gate without telling her.

She's said to have caused about $10,000 in damages ... and the gate agent reportedly suffered a bruised shoulder in the incident.

According to a report, the woman was ultimately arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, criminal mischief and aggravated battery.