TMZ Composite

Tory Lanez Trial Megan's Ex-BFF Kelsey Swears ... Tory Didn't Buy Me!!!


3:28 PM PT -- Tory's attorney asked Kelsey about the fact police say she had gunshot residue on her hands, and she said she wasn't sure where it came from, "I just know I had it."


She also acknowledged she and Megan did have a physical altercation in the SUV, but she tried to downplay it, saying they were drunk and "probably just bumped each other." As for reports they were yelling at each other outside of the vehicle, she would only admit they both got out at the same time.


And there's this ... earlier in the day, prosecutors presented texts Kelsey sent immediately after the shooting describing Tory physically attacking her, and at least one other that read, "Tory shot Meg."


Kelsey said she'd sent the texts in a panic, or she didn't remember sending them at all.

Megan Thee Stallion's former bestie, Kelsey Nicole Harris, still has a bad case of courtroom amnesia, and about all she can recall is ... Tory Lanez didn't pay her off.

Kelsey was back on the stand Thursday for her second day of testimony in Tory's trial for allegedly shooting Meg in her feet -- and much like Wednesday, Kelsey's suddenly claiming she doesn't remember any details from the night of the shooting.

Under cross-examination, Tory's attorney asked Kelsey if Tory paid her anything and she said, "No. I want to make it very clear ... Tory didn't pay me anything."

That was pretty much her longest response all day. Earlier, the prosecution asked if she remembered telling them during a September interview "that Tory tried to bribe you?" She said, "I don't remember what I said in September."

She also did not recall telling prosecutors in September that Tory fired the gun, or seeing Megan limping after the gunshots were fired that night in July 2020.

As for why she's apparently changing her story from September, Kelsey said she was "receiving pressure" back then. When asked from what or whom ... she offered the oddly vague, "from everything."

When asked squarely, "Who shot [Megan]?" ... Kelsey said, "I don't know."

On Wednesday, Kelsey swore under oath she wasn't the one who pulled the trigger, which, logically speaking, only leaves Tory and the driver of the SUV as potential suspects ... and no one's ever alleged the driver fired the shots.

She also repeatedly said "no" when asked if she was afraid of Tory, or if she'd spoken to him or Meg or their attorneys.

Kelsey, who prior to yesterday everyone believed would be the key witness, will be back on the stand after a lunch break.

We smell a bunch of one-word responses coming. Stay tuned!

Story developing ...