Khloe Kardashian Tristan May Be a 'Liar' ... But Hey, It's Halloween, So Come On In!!!

Khloe Kardashian sure seems enraged at her ex, Tristan Thompson, but she's not letting it get in the way of co-parenting, because he was front and center at their Halloween shindig.

The Kardashians held a little get-together this weekend for the kids, and the ex-couple showed up on North West's TikTok compilation ... appearing in the same shot at one point, but not interacting much.

Khloe was in a full-body catsuit, while Tristan was shielded in an Iron Man mask. Their daughter, True, was dressed up as the Disney character Owlette ... and the newest addition to their family, the baby boy, was in a Tigger costume. True held her baby bro but his face wasn't visible.

Mama bear wrote ... "Owlette and Tigger aka True and Baby Brother. (Shhhhh…. But I can't wait for Halloween to be over)."

Nothing too crazy here ... it's just Khloe and Tristan co-parenting as they've done in the past. Of course, his most recent cheating scandal -- resulting in the birth of a baby with Maralee Nichols -- has led some to believe he's iced out of the picture. That's clearly not the case.

As you see, they can be in the same space with no issues.

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