RIP Monkey Seems to Mourn Dead Guy ... Supposedly Pet to Owner

A monkey, believed to be the pet of a deceased man, apparently couldn't let go -- and we mean that literally, 'cause it was holding on to the body like he might come back to life.

Check out this footage that was purportedly taken in Sri Lanka, where a guy's funeral is taking place and his body is laid out in an open casket with people all around. There's also a langur perched on the edge looking down onto what some are saying is his owner/master.

No way to verify this, really, but it certainly seems to jibe with what the primate is doing here ... caressing the man and trying to wake him up, almost like it's mourning itself.

At one point, the langur leans down and appears to kiss the man's face -- and later, it even grabs the guy's arm and tries to shake it a bit. When people try pulling the monkey away, it stands firm and refuses to go easily ... and the sweet moment is moving people online.

If there is actually a prior relationship between these two like the internet is suggesting ... then it's pretty eye-opening. You always hear about creatures being able to feel sadness and loss, and this would seem to confirm that.

Factor in the fact that primates are our closest wild relatives ... even more uncanny.

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