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Ezra Miller Exposé Details Alleged Troubling Behavior ... Surrounding 2022 Arrests

Ezra Miller allegedly thought of themselves as a Jesus figure -- and apparently ran with a posse of misfits while also retaining an arsenal fit for a small war ... this per a new bombshell exposé detailing what was going on surrounding their 2022 arrests.

Vanity Fair has a new piece out titled, "Ezra Miller's 'Messiah' Delusions: Inside The Flash Star's Dark Spiral" -- and it's as juicy and drama-filled as the headline suggests.

New: Ezra Miller’s arrest earlier this year was just one turn in a troubling downward spiral. For the last two years, the actor has been endangering not just their career but also their safety—and allegedly that of others—in increasingly plain sight. https://t.co/9TXFdCQWoN

— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) September 18, 2022

The story is bonkers ... claiming, through several unidentified sources who were purportedly in Ezra's inner circle these few years, that Ezra essentially ran a harem/convent of sorts at his Vermont ranch ... where they apparently have multiple firearms and other weapons.

People cited in the lengthy article describe bizarre rituals that Ezra would allegedly host -- touting themselves as a real-life superhero, akin to his fictional character of the Flash, and supposedly even had an altar at their home where they'd host sermons and burn sage.

One wild anecdote says Ezra went ballistic during one of these meetings, demanding that Susan Sarandon come to pay tribute at the altar for snubbing them from a dinner party.

The piece also describes Ezra as becoming more and more erratic as the pandemic was getting underway -- evidenced in the video of them apparently choking a woman in Iceland -- and completely spiraling in 2022 when they went to Hawaii with a young activist ... whose parents have alleged Ezra was controlling via insidious tactics, which the kid has denied.

VF's story details all sorts of out-there tales about things Ezra has allegedly done over the past few years -- outside of their legal issues, which are well-documented -- including wandering the streets in search of downtrodden young people to rope into their way of life, arming themselves to the teeth/having weapons sprawled out everywhere, tormenting those closest to them via diatribes/firings/scoldings and more. It's a disturbing deep dive, for sure.

Another fascinating aspect ... the notion that people close to Ezra say they question whether they're legitimately queer or not -- it's known Ezra publicly identifies as non-binary -- and even suggest they weaponize their identity when it suits them ... but seemingly not minding being misgendered in private when they're in a state of calm, behind closed doors.


BTW, speaking of Ezra's legal troubles -- Vanity Fair reports that a majority of those cases have virtually dissipated ... suggesting Ezra and/or their team have paid off most of their alleged victims, citing at least one NDA they viewed and others they've heard about.

Of course, the backdrop of all this is Ezra's movie, 'The Flash,' which they are apparently very interested in salvaging ... as is Warner Bros. Ezra has since said they're seeking treatment for mental health issues, and they apologized for their erratic behavior of late.


At this point, it sounds like Warner has decided to plow ahead with the release of this film in 2023 -- despite all the problems that have arisen ... which this story crystalizes quite well.

Time will tell if the gamble pays off ... supposedly, screenings of 'The Flash' have tested well with audiences -- so it'll be interesting to see if folks flock to see it regardless of the drama.