
Finnish Prime Minister I Took A Drug Test!!! After Clubbin' Backlash

Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin might be a party animal, but it's all drug-free ... so says the PM herself who says she can prove it!

The 36-year-old PM dropped the news she took a drug test Friday. She said he's expecting the results sometime next week.

As we reported, the PM found herself in hot water after a video leaked of her going hard at a party with other musicians, TV stars, and fellow politicians. The vid was posted on a private IG Account ... and it caused quite the stir.

Finnish Member of Parliament Mikko Kärnä called her out on her party animal behavior ... insisting that she take a drug test. The PM said she was drinking but never took drugs. BTW, she said she was not drinking heavily.

Marin said, "Everyone needs a fun and relaxed evening," adding "I have danced, sung, celebrated, done legal things."

In Friday's conference, she said, "I did nothing illegal ... even in my teenage years I have not used any kind of drugs."

Stay tuned ...

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