Prince William may have just extended an olive branch to Prince Harry and Meghan, but the Queen has just done the opposite ... snubbing her grandson, his wife and one of her sons.
The Palace just released a statement ... "After careful consideration, the Queen has decided this year's traditional trooping the colour balcony appearance on Thursday, 2 June, will be limited to Her Majesty, and those members of the royal family who are currently undertaking official public duties on behalf of the Queen."

The statement goes on to list those royals who are permitted to watch the festivities from the balcony ... Prince Charles and Camilla, William, Kate and their kids, and a few dukes and duchesses.
Notably missing, Prince Harry, Meghan, their kids, and Prince Andrew, who just settled a Jeffrey Epstein-related case.
The snub is loud ... remember, Harry visited his grandma last month and it seems any ice that existed between them had thawed.
What's especially interesting ... the Palace made an exception for Princess Ann's husband because of a new rule that only working family members can sit on the balcony, the exception could also have applied to Harry, but the Palace didn't bite.
A spokesperson for Harry and Meghan said they're still going to the festivities and they're "excited and honoured to attend The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations this June with their children."