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Kim Jong-un Dictator Stars in Ominous New Video Celebrates 'New Type' of ICBM

The world is bracing as the prospect of WWIII looms, and all eyes are on Putin, but just as serious a threat is North Korea, and Kim Jong-Un has made that clear in a new video.

It's, well bizarre ... the North Korean dictator is the star of a highly-produced video that almost mimics a Hollywood movie ... but this is way more ominous.

AP obtained the video from a third party and has not independently verified its authenticity, but it certainly looks real, as the country's leader and his military celebrates what has been called a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile.


North Korea has been testing ICBMs with greater frequency recently, and the 38-year-old leader's mental stability makes his intentions cause for great concern.

North Korea does not have the ability to put a nuclear warhead on its ICBMs ... at least not yet, and experts have varying opinions as to when that could happen ... some think within a year or so.

Scary times.

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