Real Time with Bill Maher/HBO

Bill Maher Oh, You Don't Understand the War ... Kim's Ukraine, Pete's NATO and Ye's Russia

The brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine is hard for some Americans to understand, so Bill Maher broke it down in terms a pop culture consumer can easily grasp.

Maher broke it down Friday night on "Real Time," equating Ukraine to Kim Kardashian, NATO to Pete Davidson, and -- sorry Ye -- you're Russia.

So, the idea ... Kim (Ukraine) wants her freedom, but she's boldly taken steps to move on from her marriage by forging a romantic alliance with Pete (NATO), and Kanye (Russia) is now throwing up all these false scenarios, claiming they're making his life difficult, so he's now showing unbridled aggression.

Now you get it?

Maher ended his show in true Bill fashion ... showing unbridled contempt for the Republican Party, while blasting the Democrats for squandering an opportunity to avert midterm disaster.

He noted Trump's stranglehold on the Republican Party seems to be waining ... the poll numbers show a drop in support as dramatic as the decline of Omicron.

So, his point ... a lot of folks who were drawn to Trump who felt disenfranchised are now jumping off that train in droves, so they're ripe for the pickin', assuming Democrats don't attack them for having supported Trump in the past. In other words ... show graciousness.

There's a fabulous sports metaphor Obama once used to describe this very opportunity ... and Bill recounts it well.

His overarching message ... it's best not to talk politics with people who have opposing views -- it just never ends well. Talk about "Yellowstone" -- it's safer.