
Britney Spears Jamie Wants Her to Sit for Deposition

Britney Spears will sit for a wide-ranging deposition ... that is, if her father gets his way because Jamie Spears' lawyer has fired off an email to Britney's attorney asking to set a date for a depo.

Jamie Spears' lawyer, Alex Weingarten, sent the email Wednesday to Britney's lawyer, Mathew Rosengart. In the email, obtained by TMZ, Weingarten writes, "We write to advise that we intend to depose your client and would like to discuss a mutually agreeable date to conduct the deposition."

The email goes on, "Of course, we will also discuss scheduling Mr. Spears' deposition with you and work with you to find a mutually agreeable date for that to proceed as well."

The email says Weingarten would agree to have Jamie deposed first, followed immediately with Britney's depo -- either the next day or the same week.

Weingarten says he'd like the depos to go down in early March.

Sources with knowledge tell TMZ, the proposed deposition of Britney Spears would be wide-ranging. As you know, Britney leveled numerous allegations against Jamie during the court hearing in June ... claiming her dad refused to let her get married and have a baby. She also said she was held against her will in a treatment facility. We're told those issues will be part of the depo.

Our sources also say they want to ask Britney about "child safety and [possible] drug use," among other issues.

As we reported, Rosengart has made it clear ... he wants to question Jamie Spears on numerous issues related to allegedly mismanaging the conservatorship and using it for personal gain.

The email proposes a "meet and confer" to set the dates and the ground rules for the deposition, but it ends with this ... "If we have not heard from you regarding these matters by the close of business on Friday, February 4, 2022, we will proceed unilaterally." This almost certainly means Rosengart will get a subpoena.