
Jo Koy Plays it Coy (sorry) ... About Dating Chelsea Handler!!!

Jo Koy has a future in politics, 'cause dude showcased some serious sidestepping skills when we asked about Chelsea Handler ... his new GF. Or is she???

The comedian joined us Friday on "TMZ Live," and we talked about his big night at Dodger Stadium. Jo recently got the call to throw out the first pitch, and we -- like everyone else watching -- couldn't help but notice how cozy he and Chelsea were on the field.

Look, she was coaching Jo, and they had no problem hugging up on each other in front of a 56,000 seat stadium -- hell, they even posted pics together that screamed date night. So, we had to ask about the budding romance.

Well, Jo's trying (keyword: trying) to have y'all believe he and Chelsea are just "great friends."

That being said ... Jo -- host of the new Netflix competition show "Metal Shop Masters" -- couldn't stop paying Chelsea compliments. He also called her beautiful, and came THIS close to buckling under pressure ... but dude kept it together.

Jo didn't even fall for the ol' slip-the-dating-question-into-the-middle-of-a-plug-for-his new show tactic!!!

For what it's worth, Chelsea held a Q&A on Instagram just days after the Dodgers game date, and when asked if she has regrets for not getting married/having kids, Chelsea answered she's "never felt more confident and secure in my life decision-making skills, in remaining childless and alone, than I have during this pandemic."

Of course, we weren't talking marriage or kids ... just dating. Still, no solid confirmation, but watch the vid -- you can read between the lines.

So, congrats to longtime friends, Joe and Chelsea! Next level, baby.